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Innohome Charlie

Tillförlitlig och lättladdad Innohome Charlie är en produktfamilj för fordonsladdningsstationer för el- och hybridfordon. Det är en enhet för laddningsläge 3 som är den rekommenderade metoden för daglig laddning. Dess laddningsuttag av typ 2 är kompatibelt med de flesta el- och hybridfordon i Europa. Den snygga skandinaviska designen passar väl in i alla slags omgivningar. Innohome…


Skydda det mest värdefulla 50 % av alla bränder i hem börjar i köket. Innohome förser ditt hem med den senaste tekniken som förhindrar de flesta bränder. Elbilar laddas främst hemma. Med Innohome Charlie kan du göra det säkert och snabbt. Innohome - Smart säkerhet för ditt hem Våra produkter hjälper dig att förhindra de vanligaste bränderna i hemmet samt att ladda ditt elfordon…

Which? magazine: Stay safe from home hazards

Your home is your haven – but it’s also the place where the most accidents happen, resulting in more than 5,000 deaths annually and 2.7 million visits to Accident & Emergency. Children under five and people over 65 (particularly 75 plus) are most likely to have an accident at home. You’ve told us that cold-calling telephone scams, intruders and bogus callers... 8 Devices To Keep Elderly Relatives Safe at Home

Knowing that an elderly friend or relative is at home alone can be extremely worrying. Luckily, there are plenty of gadgets that are easily installed to help with this. These will help improve the safety of their property, and allow you to receive an alert when something isn’t right. In short, your mind will be more at ease, and your elderly relative will be safer in their home. Some of the…

Newer homes and furniture burn faster

Research shows that 30 years ago, you had about 17 minutes to escape a house fire. Today it's down to three or four minutes. The reason: Newer homes and the furniture inside them actually burn faster. A lot faster. To demonstrate, Rossen Reports went to Underwriters Laboratories in Chicago, where two rooms were...

Discovery Channel to feature Innohome Stove Guard

Jupiter, FL— Innovations with Ed Begley Jr. announced today that they will feature Innohome Oy, in an upcoming episode, airing second quarter 2016 via Discovery Channel. Dates and show times TBA. Over half of all household fires start in the kitchen. A significant number of these could be prevented....

FIRE magazine: The evolution of the smart kitchen with Innohome

It is nothing new to the Fire and Rescue Service that kitchen fires are number one in the list of fires in the home. A quick search on Twitter will reveal lurid pictures of burnt out kitchens serving as warnings to those in search of a late night snack after an evening in the pub. And it is true the numbers have gone down...

Assistive Technology Practitioner: Cooker Safety in the Kitchen

Welcome to the latest issue of Assistive Technology Practitioner, exclusively for members of the Healthcare and Assistive Technology Society. When we met in London this week, it was a pleasure to report to the Advisory Board that we are getting closer to offering membership of a Professional Standards Authority (PSA) accredited...

Cooking Is The Number One Cause of Home Fires; Innohome Wants To Change That

If a house catches fire, there’s a good chance the culprit is a cooking device. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly half of all home structure fires – 46% – are started by some type of cooking equipment, and while more people die from fires started from cigarettes (stop smoking in bed...